~.rderr File
A ~.rderr file is produced by every run of mloc. The file is written by the module mlocout_rderr.f90. It carries the calculation of empirical reading error and baseline offset (from the theoretical travel time) for every station-phase pair that has two or more unflagged instances in the inversion. There is no choice in the first run of a sequence but to use the default values for reading errors, or else run with weighting off (command weig), but it is normal practice to begin using the estimates of empirical reading error from the previous run (command rfil) very soon in the subsequent runs.
~.rderr files are not normally inspected by the user, so there are no headings for the columns:
Hypocentroid: 38.413 44.339 14.739 BAK Pn 9 2.204 2.213 2.301 40.372 49.818 4.674 63.543 KSA Pn 7 1.277 2.073 1.270 33.823 35.890 8.227 238.737 FEO Pn 3 0.240 1.429 1.489 45.019 35.390 9.394 317.476 SEV Pn 2 -0.367 4.005 4.026 44.545 33.668 10.077 310.824 HLW Pn 8 0.071 1.129 1.146 29.858 31.342 13.725 235.434 SAM P 12 -0.103 1.033 0.981 39.673 66.990 17.638 78.809 SAM S 4 -0.539 3.564 1.685 39.673 66.990 17.638 78.809 LVV S 12 -1.101 4.421 4.538 49.819 24.031 18.445 314.722 TAS P 25 3.081 1.551 1.570 41.329 69.286 19.351 73.466 BEO P 11 3.447 1.090 1.155 44.809 20.471 18.921 297.351 BEO S 5 6.008 1.588 1.685 44.809 20.471 18.921 297.351 BUD P 35 4.603 1.606 1.587 47.484 19.024 20.555 304.305 BUD S 2 5.934 0.102 0.150 47.484 19.024 20.555 304.305 ANR P 19 3.823 0.614 0.740 40.755 72.360 21.689 74.957
The first line in the file carries the hypocentroid’s latitude, longitude and depth, for use in the plot type known as an empirical path anomaly plot implemented by command epap. The remainder of the file is simply the sequence of station-phase pairs for which an empirical reading error could be calculated, in the order in which they are encountered in the event data files.
The columns are:
- Station code (followed by deployment code if that is being used, see command radf)
- Phase
- Number of samples
- Baseline offset from the theoretical travel-time model
- Empirical reading error calculated from this run
- Reading error used in this run
- Latitude of the station
- Longitude of the station
- Epicentral distance from the hypocentroid
- Azimuth, hypocentroid to station
The last four columns are used to make an empirical path anomaly plot (command epap).