MLOC Distribution
This page contains the latest distribution of the complete mloc package, except for the documentation, discussed below. The archive unpacks into a directory structure containing all necessary source codes, compiler directions and data files. The distribution is served in a zipped archive. Detailed instructions for building mloc are included in the User’s Manual.
A recent (but perhaps not the latest) distribution of mloc can also be downloaded from the U.S. Geological Survey’s ScienceBase website for the Global Catalog of Calibrated Earthquake Locations (GCCEL) Project.
The /mloc_distribution/ directory structure contained in the archive may be installed anywhere in the user’s file system, but it is strongly recommended that none of the directory or file names be changed until and unless the user has a thorough understanding of the mloc ecosystem.
All distributions feature significant changes to the code of mloc that are documented in the file mloc_version_history in the mloc_src directory, but they also may include changes to data files (the master station file, for example) and the utility programs. When you upgrade mloc it is advisable to check the “last modified” dates of these secondary files to be sure you are using the latest versions of these too.
Documentation is distributed separately in a stand-alone HTML package.
Current Version
~37 MB
Previous Versions
~27 MB
~26 MB
~26 MB
~26 MB
Change Log
The full version history of development of mloc is contained in the text file mloc_version_history.txt in the directory mloc_directory/mloc_src/.