Author: Eric Bergman

New and updated clusters

The Fin-Tiab cluster in southern Iran has been updated and three new clusters in the U.S. have been uploaded: Falls City, Texas, Smith’s Ferry, Idaho, and Dillon, Montana.

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Updated Prague, Oklahoma cluster

In light of the recent M5.1 earthquake, I updated the Prague, Oklahoma cluster with earthquakes (mostly small) that occurred since the end of the original Prague cluster (January 2012).

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Nine more clusters

Since the last post in August 2023 nine new calibrated clusters have been added: Salton Trough, California; Wuqia, China;Kardzali, Bulgaria; Ontario, California; Kara-Say, Kyrgyzstan; Bayugan, Philippines; Toyama, Japan; Salcha, Alaska; and Pasaman, Indonesia.

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Bogota, Colombia cluster added

I uploaded a calibrated cluster for the Bogotá, Colombia region today. It includes the Mw 6.3 earthquake on August 17, 2023 and two aftershocks (magnitudes 5.7 and 5.0). It will show up in the ScienceBase dataset with a couple days and the mloc data is posted here.

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Two new calibrated clusters

Today I added calibrated clusters “austin” (Nevada), “khutia” (western Georgia) and “ardahan” (northeastern Turkey) to GCCEL. It may take a few days for them to show up on the ScienceBase website and they will only appear at the ISC Dataset Repository when I have added enough new clusters to justify a new distribution. The mloc folders for these three clusters are available now on this website.

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GCCEL in Google Earth

I created a file gccel.kmz for displaying the current GCCEL dataset in Google Earth or any other program that can handle a kmz file. The file can also be downloaded from the GCCEL section of this website. Cluster hypocentroids are organized by country and shown in red; clicking the icon displays a lot of information about the cluster. Individual epicenters are shown in yellow; clicking the icon gives information on the hypocenter, magnitude and calibration level. Display of epicenters (all or none) can be toggled on or off.

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