Mentone, Texas cluster updated

An updated version of the Mentone, Texas cluster (mentone5) was uploaded, adding more recent events.

This version of the Mentone cluster replaces an earlier result
(mentone3) posted in GCCEL. This version is quite different in the
included events, which are required to have been observed to at least 10
degrees epicentral distance. The Mentone cluster is named after the town
of Mentone in west Texas, U.S.A. The cluster was originally motivated by
the occurrence of a 5.0 Mw earthquake on March 26, 2020 and the sequence
includes several other eevents near magnitude 5: 5.3 Mw on November 16,
2022, 5.2 Mw event on November 8, 2023 and 4.9 Mw as recently as
February 15, 2025. The region is a major producer of gas and oil and the
bulk of the seismicity is likely induced by excessive waste water
injection, as in Oklahoma and elsewhere. The earliest events in the
sequence are not included, due to lesser quality datasets. The
distribution of seismograph stations in the source region is now quite
dense; this version of the cluster was limited to events since January
2021. Azimuthal coverage and near-source data are exceptionally good for
all events. The entire cluster has been relocated with free depth but
the focal depths of a few events needed manual adjustment to better fit
the near-source data, so the final runs were done with fixed depth (at
the free-depth solution in most cases).

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